Saturday, August 06, 2005


Posted by PicasaOmg Craig being a fucking ass hole again. Anthony did nothing wrong. Craig is just being such a fucking ass hole. Last night him and Anthony had an argument over why Anthony never stuck up for him when he was having an argument with Kinga well it wasn't really an argument but a convosation. So Craig throw beer over Anthony and that was the last straw for him as he then went mad. Craig then got upset and today he just can't leave it alone saying that Anthony was in the wrong and how Anthony should say sorry. The problem is is that Anothny is really mad and wouldn't you be if some one was sexaly harassing you for the last 6 weeks!!!! Come on wouldn't you go mad. The thing that really anoys me is that Craig lies and twists words from arguments. As he said to Anthony this moring "you attacted me last night" and he just shook his head thinking that no i never and then said "no i never Craig" ( an may i just add that he never attacted him!!!!) Craig then went out in a huff and started wait a minute hang on....... CRYING big surprise but the thing is is that he deserved it god the amount of times that i have wanted to go into the house to just yell at him god if i did i would have had to have just lived there. Well thats all for now bye.


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